Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 2014 : Sword Fighting and Video Game Month

So, Chris purchased a Groupon for us a while back.
It was a month long membership to the Minnesota Sword Club. I promised Chris I would give it a try, however, I had a very nasty feeling that my ex-boyfriend Tyler Clayton would be there, especially since I had remembered that he said he still worked there last time I talked to him. We showed up to our first class on a Wednesday. I was pretty nervous, and looked around to see if Tyler was there, sure enough, I spotted him teaching private lessons at the end of the gym. I turned to Chris and said "I told you he'd be here" I proceeded to do everything in my power to avoid an encounter with him. I hid on the other side of the wall and tried to stay away from where he was. When the classes was about to start, Chris and I headed onto the gym floor to meet up with the rest of our classmates. Unfortunately, as I descended the stairs, Tyler was walking up the stairs at the same time, and almost bulldozed me over. We were both moving quickly. He stated "Whoooaaaa" and I said, "How are you?" He said "Good" and quickly kept moving. Needless to say it was an extremely awkward moment. I am pretty sure he snuck out of the gym after that avoiding me in every way possible. Chris and I took our class after that, no longer worrying about whether or not Tyler was around, he was definitely not in sight. I think Chris enjoyed the class more than I did. I was okay with the first part of the class, because we were just doing footwork and running drills with our swords, but as soon as we got our armor and head gear on, I was very uncomfortable. My mask/cage thingy was too big, and I had to take off my glasses in fear that they would get ruined. The remainder of the class was all about attacking the head. It was uncomfortable to get smacked in the head all the time. My mask would vibrate each time and I couldn't see due to not having my glasses on. It all felt very disorienting. Also, I kept getting hit, because I am not a fast learner when it comes to sword fighting, however, I still blame the uncomfortable head piece and the fact that I didn't have glasses on. Afterwards, Chris and I went home. I never showed up to the class again, but Chris went at least 3 or 4 more times. As far as video games go, Chris's friends got him into League of Legends which is an online game that he plays on his laptop. He really enjoys it, so while he played that, I would continue my Dragon Age Inquisition Journey. I am pretty far along in the main plot now. I believe I am almost to the end of the main plot, which at that point I could either choose to continue some of the side quests or just start over with a new character. The game is pretty cool, but I don't enjoy it as much as Dragon Age Origins, mostly because I like to follow a main story line, and not have to stray too much from it. I would say, however, that I enjoy the story line, the romances, and the graphics far more than Dragon Age 2. Anyways, I'm done geeking out about it. Chris and I have decided to keep this monthly theme thing going into 2015. Stay tuned for the first theme of he New Year! 

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